There is a hunger among Christians to go deeper in their journey with God.
The Alleluia School of Spiritual Direction emphasizes personal spiritual transformation over the simple transfer of information, developing a strong life of prayer along with the skills necessary to accompany others on their journey toward greater intimacy with God.
Our students complete three unique two-week sessions, spaced 12 months apart; so that in 26 months they will have taken all three components of the Curriculum: Prayer, Healing and Growth.
Thoughts on
Prayer and
“Being in the Spiritual Direction School was really pivotal in the development of my relationship with the Lord. It was an intense immersion in the school of the Holy Spirit and gave me the confidence I needed to offer the skills I had learned to walk with others in their own spiritual journey.”
“The Alleluia School of Spiritual Direction was the most significant period of transformation in my whole life. I was focusing on my sins and failures, and living with wounded and broken emotions. I now know that I am loved unconditionally just as I am. I am filled with gratitude every day.”
Registration Process
Thoughts on Prayer and Spiritual Direction
“Being in the Spiritual Direction School was really pivotal in the development of my relationship with the Lord. It was an intense immersion in the school of the Holy Spirit and gave me the confidence I needed to offer the skills I had learned to walk with others in their own spiritual journey.”
“The Alleluia School of Spiritual Direction was the most significant period of transformation in my whole life. I was focusing on my sins and failures, and living with wounded and broken emotions. I now know that I am loved unconditionally just as I am. I am filled with gratitude every day.”
Learn About Our Sessions
Session On Prayer
Students experience praying with scripture and are shown how to teach their directees to pray. Developing a plan of life and how to review their prayer will also be addressed, using the Ignatian Principle & Foundation and the Examen, showing the way a directee can maintain reality in prayer.
“When you pray, go to your room, close your door, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees what no man sees, will repay you.” Matthew 6:6
Session On Healing
Spiritual Direction will be seen as a healing process in itself, as the relationship between the director and directee unfolds under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The differences between psychology, counseling and spiritual direction will be reviewed as well as how to recognize possible mental illness and when to refer to professionals.
“Jesus bore our sins in his own body on the cross, so that dead to sin, we might live for righteousness. By his wounds we have been healed.” 1 Peter 2:24
Session On Growth
We provide the students with teaching on discovering our root sin, detachment and its importance for the spiritual life, and teaching on practicing the presence of God. Getting supervision as a practicing Director, the ethics of spiritual direction and the importance of maintaining one’s own relationship to a spiritual director is stressed.
“A patient man is better than a warrior, and he who rules his temper, than one who conquers a city.” Proverbs 16:32
Learn About Our Sessions
Session On Prayer
Students experience praying with scripture and are shown how to teach their directees to pray. Developing a plan of life and how to review their prayer will also be addressed, using the Ignatian Principle & Foundation and the Examen, showing the way a directee can maintain reality in prayer.
“When you pray, go to your room, close your door, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees what no man sees, will repay you.” Matthew 6:6
Session On Healing
Spiritual Direction will be seen as a healing process in itself, as the relationship between the director and directee unfolds under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The differences between psychology, counseling and spiritual direction will be reviewed as well as how to recognize possible mental illness and when to refer to professionals.
“Jesus bore our sins in his own body on the cross, so that dead to sin, we might live for righteousness. By his wounds we have been healed.” 1 Peter 2:24
Session On Growth
We provide the students with teaching on discovering our root sin, detachment and its importance for the spiritual life, and teaching on practicing the presence of God. Getting supervision as a practicing Director, the ethics of spiritual direction and the importance of maintaining one’s own relationship to a spiritual director is stressed.
“A patient man is better than a warrior, and he who rules his temper, than one who conquers a city.” Proverbs 16:32
“Then you must wash each other’s feet… As I have done, so you must do”
(John 13:14-15)