About alleluiassd

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So far alleluiassd has created 10 blog entries.

Michael Firmin


Mr. Michael Firmin Michael Firmin is a member of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Augusta, Georgia. He is married to Bev for 41 years and is father to 9 and grandfather to 11 grandchildren. Mike’s educational background has been in theology and philosophy at Notre Dame Seminary in New

Michael Firmin2024-04-12T16:09:39-04:00

Beverly Firmin


Mrs. Beverly Firmin Beverly Firmin is a member of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Augusta Georgia. She is wife of 41 years to Michael and mother of 9 children and grandmother to 11. Beverly received a bachelor’s degree in secondary education and her master’s in social work at Tulane

Beverly Firmin2024-04-12T16:10:54-04:00

Mr. Daniel Almeter


Mr. Daniel Almeter Daniel Almeter is a member of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Augusta, Georgia. He received his master’s in counseling from Augusta State University and is a Licensed Professional Counselor with extensive experience in counseling and spiritual direction. He is an elder in the Alleluia

Mr. Daniel Almeter2021-10-08T12:43:57-04:00

Rev. Brett Brannen


Rev. Brett Brannen Fr. Brett Brannen was ordained a priest in 1991 for the Diocese of Savannah, where he served as vocation director (10 years) and simultaneously as a pastor of several different parishes.  From 2005- 2011, he was the vice-rector of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in

Rev. Brett Brannen2021-08-16T16:09:01-04:00

Mr. Ian Butler


Mr. Ian Butler Ian is a Catholic clinician who worked from 1999 to 2020 as a counselor for Catholic Social Services with the Diocese of Lincoln Nebraska, a clinical site specializing in the integration of the truths of the Catholic faith with Psychology. He founded Holy Family Counseling

Mr. Ian Butler2024-11-07T14:59:44-05:00

Rev. Daniel Firmin


Rev. Daniel Firmin Fr. Daniel Firmin was ordained for the Catholic Diocese of Savannah in 2004. He studied at Franciscan University of Steubenville and at the North American College in Rome Italy. He holds a Bachelor’s in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and

Rev. Daniel Firmin2021-08-16T16:03:55-04:00

Dr. John Gresham


Dr. John Gresham Dr Gresham is a retired seminary professor (Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in St Louis and Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit.). His theological training includes BA and MA from Wheaton College and PhD from Baylor University as well as certificate from the Alleluia School of Spiritual

Dr. John Gresham2024-11-07T14:51:26-05:00

Mrs. Jane Guenther


Mrs. Jane Guenther Jane Guenther, M.Div. Aquinas Institute of Theology. Mrs. Guenther is the Director of the Catholic Renewal Center in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. She is past president of the National Service Committee for Catholic Charismatic Renewal and now serves on the board of the

Mrs. Jane Guenther2021-08-16T15:58:55-04:00

Rev. Dennis McManus


Rev. Dennis McManus Fr. Dennis McManus is a priest of the Archdiocese of Mobile in Alabama. From 1997-2006, he worked as Associate Director of the Secretariat for the Liturgy at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington, DC. Pope John Paul II named him as

Rev. Dennis McManus2021-08-16T15:51:46-04:00

Dr. Carole Brown


Dr. Carole Brown Dr. Carole Brown serves as Director of a Catholic retreat house called in Lakota Sioux, Mahpiya na Maka Okogna, Between Heaven and Earth, and known locally as the Sioux Spiritual Center.  She has over 30 years’ experience in evangelization in the Catholic Church, having worked at

Dr. Carole Brown2021-08-16T15:46:19-04:00


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