Rev. Brett Brannen
Fr. Brett Brannen was ordained a priest in 1991 for the Diocese of Savannah, where he served as vocation director (10 years) and simultaneously as a pastor of several different parishes. From 2005- 2011, he was the vice-rector of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, MD. Fr. Brannen has preached numerous retreats for diocesan priests, seminaries and religious communities, as well as discernment retreats for vocation candidates. He taught many years at the Institute for Priestly Formation in Omaha and with The Theology of the Body Institute (TOB and the Identity of the Diocesan Priest). He is the author of “To Save a Thousand Souls: A Guide for Discerning a Vocation to Diocesan Priesthood” (2010) and “A Priest in the Family: A Guide for Parents Whose Sons are Considering Priesthood” (2014). Fr. Brannen is currently Spiritual Director at The Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio.